Sales Quotation
Name: {{ $company_name }}
Mobile No: {{ $company_mobile_no }}
Email: {{ $company_email }}
Address: {{ $company_address }}
{{ $company_name }}
{!! nl2br(e($company_address)) !!}
Voucher No.
{{ $quotation->quotation_no }}
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($quotation->quotation_date)->format('Y-m-d') }}
Mode/Terms of Payment
{{ $quotation->mode_terms_of_payment }}
Other Reference
{{ $quotation->other_reference }}
Consignee (Ship To)
{{ $quotation->consignee ? $quotation->consignee->name : '' }}
{!! nl2br(e($quotation->consignee ? $quotation->consignee->address : '')) !!}
Terms of Delivery
{{ $quotation->terms_of_delivery }}
Buyer Bill No
{{ $quotation->customer ? $quotation->customer->name : '' }}
{!! nl2br(e($quotation->customer ? $quotation->customer->address : '')) !!}
@if(isset($quotation) && !empty($quotation)) @php $sub_total = 0; $total_qty = 0; if ($quotation->is_igst_customer){ $total_discount = $quotation->quotationDetails()->sum('igst_amount'); }else{ $total_cgst_amount_discount = $quotation->quotationDetails()->sum('cgst_amount'); $total_sgst_amount_discount = $quotation->quotationDetails()->sum('sgst_amount'); $total_discount = $total_cgst_amount_discount + $total_sgst_amount_discount; } @endphp @foreach($quotation->quotationDetails as $key => $quotationDetail) @php $sub_total += $quotationDetail->net_total; $total_qty += $quotationDetail->quantity; @endphp @endforeach @endif {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}}
Sr. No Description Of Goods HSN/SAC Part No. Due On Quantity Rate Per Disc..(%) Amount
{{ $key+1 }} {{ $quotationDetail->material->user_defined_code . ' - ' .$quotationDetail->material->name }}
{!! nl2br(e($quotationDetail->material->description)) !!}
{{ $quotationDetail->material->hsn->product_hsn_sac_code }} {{ $quotationDetail->material->code }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($quotationDetail->due_on)->format('d-m-Y') }} {{ $quotationDetail->quantity }} {{ $quotationDetail->rate }} {{ $quotation->material ? $quotationDetail->material->unit->name : '' }} {{ number_format($quotationDetail->amount,2) }}
Transportation Insurance REQ REQ {{ number_format($quotation->sub_total_amount,2) }}
REQ REQ Discount {{ number_format($quotation->distributor_discount_amount,2) }}
REQ REQ Special Discount {{ number_format($quotation->special_discount_amount,2) }}
--}} {{-- {{ $quotation->is_igst_customer ? 'IGST' : 'CGST & SGST' }}{{ number_format($total_discount,2) }}
Round Off REQ
Total {{ $total_qty }} {{ number_format($quotation->total_amount,2) }}
Amount chargeable (In Word) E. & O.E
{{ app(\Modules\Quotation\Services\QuotationService::class)->CurrencyInWord($sub_total + $total_discount) }} Company's Bank Details
Account Holder's Name : {{ $company_account_holder_name }}
Bank Name : {{ $company_bank_name }}
A/C No. : {{ $company_account_no }}
Branch & IFC Code : {{ $company_branch_ifc_code }}
Company's PAN : {{ $company_pancard_no }}
We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct.
For {{ $company_name }} Authorised Signatory
This is a Computer generated Invoice